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Swimming lessons are common for everyone in The Netherlands. With all the canals, rivers and ditches it is important for everyone to learn to swimm at a young age, to be safe.
Subscribe here for the waiting list for swimming lessons or check out your class results achieved during swimming lessons. You can find the latest scores achieved per day or check scores achieved previously. If you have already reached a certain level, you can also look back at your scores on lower levels.
If you only want to see the scores at the current level, tick to 'Show only active lesson programs'.

Do you have any questions about how to subscribe, swimming lessons or lesson progress don't hesitate to contact our team of Sportfondsen Amsterdam Oost

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LessonWaiting list occupancyRegistration costs
1MA-15.45-A01 Maandag 15.45-16.30 uur 23 / 25 € 22.50
1MA-16.30-A01 Maandag 16.30-17.15 uur 21 / 25 € 22.50
1MA-17.15-A01 Maandag 17.15-18.00 uur 11 / 25 € 22.50
2DI-15.45-A01 Dinsdag 15.45-16.30 uur 20 / 25 € 22.50
2DI-16.30-A01 Dinsdag 16.30-17.15 uur 15 / 25 € 22.50
2DI-17.15-A01 Dinsdag 17.15-18.00 uur 12 / 25 € 22.50
3WO-13.30-A01 Woensdag 13.30-14.15 uur 14 / 25 € 22.50
3WO-14.15-A01 Woensdag 14.15-15.00 uur 19 / 25 € 22.50
3WO-15.00-A01 Woensdag 15.00-15.45 uur 22 / 25 € 22.50
3WO-16.00-A01 Woensdag 16.00-16.45 uur 23 / 25 € 22.50
3WO-16.45-A01 Woensdag 16.45-17.30 uur 17 / 25 € 22.50
3WO-17.30-A01 Woensdag 17.30-18.15 uur 11 / 25 € 22.50
4-DO-15.45-A01 Donderdag 15.45-16.30 uur 23 / 25 € 22.50
4DO-16.30 A01 Donderdag 16.30-17.15 uur 18 / 25 € 22.50
4DO-17.15-A01 Donderdag 17.15-18.00 uur 14 / 25 € 22.50
5VR-15.45-A01 Vrijdag 15.45-16.30 uur 24 / 25 € 22.50
5VR-16.30-A01 Vrijdag 16.30-17.15 uur 19 / 25 € 22.50
5VR-17.15-A01 Vrijdag 17.15-18.00 uur 15 / 25 € 22.50
6ZA-08.15-A01 Zaterdag 08.15-09.00 uur 17 / 25 € 22.50
6ZA-09.00-A01 Zaterdag 09.00-09.45 uur 25 / 25 € 22.50
6ZA-09.45-A01 Zaterdag 09.45-10.30 uur 26 / 26 € 22.50
6ZA-10.30-A01 Zaterdag 10.30-11.15 uur 25 / 25 € 22.50
WL VOLW. WO DAMES Wachtlijst Woensdag Volw. Dames 10.15-11.00 uur 26 / 25 € 22.50
WLVOLW.MA Wachtlijst Maandag Volwassenen 19.00-19.45 uur 25 / 25 € 22.50


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